A small design & technology site by JY.Ameilia. Catch up on my latest projects and get in touch.


JY. Ameilia

I Love My Work & All Creativities

I am looking for travel product manager position. I have code skills, and familiar with project manager tools, loving travelling and creative activities, you can check my travel log in main site. Skilled in Muscic and Painting, for more info, please check creativity part in main site.

目前求职定位是旅游产品经理。熟悉各类代码,精通产品经理使用的各种工具;且喜欢旅行和创新性的活动(更多详情参照Projects和Blog Pages)。也擅长音乐和绘画(可以参考Creativity Page)。


1UI/UX Design: skilled in html, css, Javascript, php. Good at web architecture design, UML design, Balsamiq UI design. As you seen now :) 精于网页设计

2Coding 熟知各类代码: understand in Web, C, C++, Java, Matlab, Unity, Python, Database.

3Project management 擅长项目管理: familiar with Jira, MS project, Winbook, COCOMOII, Google Drive, Slack.

4Documentation 善于文档撰写: Progress Report, Risk and Defect Report, Technical Debt Report, OCD, LCP, SSAD, TPC, ARB, IIV.

5Post-production 精通后期处理: master Photoshop, Premiere, Audition, After Effect, Lightroom , Camera Raw.

6Creative Design 喜欢创意设计: can performance: Piano, Ukulele,Recorder,Harmonica,Cucurbit fulte,Chinese flute,Guzheng. Good at painting, novel writing, cooking.擅长乐器:钢琴、乌克丽丽,竖笛,口琴,葫芦丝,笛子,古筝;喜欢画画,小说创作,烹饪。

What I do the best


I love machine, and I love people who create machine. I pay attention to the feelings of clients, users, executive and developers. I had 6yrs code experience, making me have empathy with developers.作为一个有6年代码经验的IT人,我不仅仅重视用户,管理层的观点,我更重视开发人员的感受。

Management & Code

Professinal in combination of code, development, design, management, documentation.产品管理,代码,开发,文档,能力综合发展。

Travel Experience

Have abundant travel experience in US, Europe, China, especially female individual travel.国内外丰富的旅行经验,尤其是女性单独旅行经验。

Team Coordination

Cooperation well with people from any country, no matter as leader or member.Proficiency in English.有与国内外团队的协作能力,精通英文。

Design & Production

Professional in design, music and Post-production. Can play 7 different instruments.具备设计,艺术,后期处理一定的技术能力。会7种乐器。

My education experience


Intro about my experience学历简介


CS Master in University of Southern California 南加州大学计算机硕士


International Academy in University of Southern California 南加大国际学院


Information Security Bachelor in UESTC 电子科技大学信息安全学士

I am not only treat grade seriously, but also value chance about projects. I Built web sites, one as you seen now. :) Developed apps with team. Produced videos and photoes by adobe. Wrote paper and article. Participant sports and art, be the leaders. 作为学生,我不仅仅学习课本知识,而且积极参与各种项目。搭建网站,开发App,后期处理,写论文和文章。而且积极参与体育和文艺活动,也积极担任领队。更多详情请点击See More